Projects Overview


Rotherfold Project

The Rotherfold Garden is designed as a garden open to all members of the public, with the added benefit that residents should feel a real sense of ownership, due to its feeling of privacy and inclusion of garden features.

Read more about successive stages of this project here, or select a project from the column in the right side-bar.

Shady Garden

The Shady Garden has undergone a revamp to make an underused public space into a more accessible and user-friendly place.

Read more about this ongoing project here, or select a project from the column in the right side-bar.

St Mary's Partnership

The Trust is working in partnership with the Totnes Town Council and St Mary’s Church to build on the unique heritage around St Mary’s Church, Totnes. Details of the partnership project can be followed here.

Gardening for Health

The neglected open space at The Lamb Garden has been transformed, with raised beds for growing vegetables and herbs, a small fruit growing ‘forest garden’ with new benches, a pergola and lawn, while retaining the listed paving. Courses are run by members of School Farm, Dartington Hall for those referred by the doctors at Leatside and other surgeries and for members of the community.

Find out more about this community food-growing project that links to National Health Service initiatives.

Other Projects

 The Totnes Trust executes a number of project across the community which enhance the day-to-day utility in the town. For example the Skate Park Lighting Project under the guidance of Judy Westercott.