All posts in: "Uncategorized"

  1. Town Mill Donations

    The Town Mill still needs help to survive Totnes Trust are the current custodians of the Grade II listed Town Mill and thirty years on…

  2. Totnes Garden Trail – new information board revealed

    Heath’s Garden has now been installed with a new information board relating to the Totnes Garden Trail. The following poster is a copy of the…

  3. Shady Garden Board

    The new Shady Garden information board has been installed in recent weeks, as this new community space comes fully to completion. 49 Fore Street, aka the…

  4. New Sponsorship Sought.

    Gardening For Health, Totnes is moving forward into a sixth year and is seeking new sponsorship and involvement to help lead the project. Since launching…

  5. Town Mill Could Help Totnes.

    curator cafe TOWN MILL COULD HELP TOTNES The ancient Town Mill, on Coronation Road in Totnes, could soon be helping to fund much-needed improvements to…

  6. Shady Garden Phase Two – Press Release

    PRESS RELEASE on behalf of Totnes Trust (embargoed until 8 April 2015) NEW TRUST MAKES NEW GARDEN FOR TOTNES Thanks to a new community organisation,…

  7. Atmos Update

    All the hard work of TDT finally paid off when Dairy Crest provisionally reached agreement on the sale of the Brunel Building and surrounding land.…

  8. Garden Trail comes to life!!

    Totnes Garden Trail – A4 leaflet The Garden Trail links the Heaths, Lamb and Leechwell Gardens  – why not go explore! Click on the link…