Make a Donation to our current campaign Totnes Town Mill Restoration

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Totnes Trust are the current custodians of the Grade II listed Town Mill and thirty years on from the initial restoration work we are aware that further restoration work is necessary to preserve the fabric of the Town Mill and ensure that it will continue to provide valuable space for our current tenants, the Jamming Station and Image Bank.
Recent investigations reveal that the Town Mill needs extensive and urgent structural repairs to ensure that it is waterproof and structurally sound. This includes repairs to windows, lintels and external render and investigation into evidence of subsidence and wood decay.
How can you help preserve this building?
Totnes Trust has to fund the essential, urgent repair work which has already started and will continue for the next few months, and we are informed additional future work will be required to ensure the long-term preservation of this iconic building.
A small donation from everyone who passes by the Town Mill or has been connected with it at any time, would make a huge difference.
Please give whatever you can to help us to keep this beautiful, historic, listed building open for future generations and available for community use.
To Donate, Please visit our Just Giving Page at: